Saturday 19 October 2019

Strengthen the back muscles

October 19, 2019 0
Strengthen the back muscles
Strengthen the back muscles

Strengthen the back muscles:

back muscles:

The human body is made up of many muscles. These muscles often work in pairs. Body forward and side, in addition to its role in protecting the spine.

Strengthen the back muscles:

You can work to strengthen your back muscles in order to support your spine and reduce back and neck pain, using several methods, most notably the following:
  • Cobra posture exercise: This exercise plays a role in alleviating back pain and resting. Possible shoulders, preferably in any place where there is enough floor space.
  • Inversion Table: The use of this device contributes to extend and tighten the muscles of the back to different levels, and relies on principle on the withdrawal of gravity to help extend the spine.
  • Lower back twist: This exercise is easy to perform and helps to tighten the gluteus maximus and the lower back muscles. Other than his body, he should be sure not to lift the shoulders off the ground while pulling one leg to the other side of the body.
  • Stretching exercises for the lower back: This allows a large extension of the muscles of this area of the back, and to do this exercise lying on the person's back, and includes his knees, and then use both hands to pull the knees towards the chest, so that the position is maintained for 15-30 seconds and then back to normal.
  • Lying static leg: where the person lying on his back, and then raise his legs in a chair, and stay in this position for 15-20 minutes, it is worth mentioning that when performing this exercise, the person will feel light and comfortable Especially after a tiring day in which he made a lot of effort.
  • Getting around a large fitness ball: This helps stretch the back in the right way, giving the person a feeling of comfort, and it is recommended to stay as long as possible when the body wraps around the top of the fitness ball.
  • Deadly exercise: It is one of the weight lifting exercises, where the person raises weights to the hips and then back to the ground, and repeat this exercise several times, while maintaining the back straight throughout the exercise, which helps strengthen the back muscles from the bottom, in addition to many muscles Other.
  • Bridge exercise: The method of doing this exercise is by lying on the back with the knees bent and keep the feet lying on the flat ground, and be careful not to move the shoulders and head, but must be kept relaxed on the ground, and tighten the abdominal and thigh muscles, so that the hips are lifted off the ground to form a straight line from the knees to the shoulders, when performing this exercise should maintain this position for a sufficient period of time, which is estimated to take the time needed to complete the deep three breaths, and then return to the starting point, as it is recommended to repeat it 5 times a day, and then Increase the number of times they perform Legge to be up to 30 times a day.
  • Cat posture exercise: When performing this exercise is leaned on the hands and knees, and then the person begins to bend the back up gradually, and then loosen his back and abdomen also slowly, then the person returns to the starting point, as it is recommended to repeat it from three to five times Twice daily.
  • Shoulder pressure exercise: When performing this exercise, the person sits in a chair with no back or arms, and while maintaining the back straight shoulders should be pulled back together, and the person continues for five seconds and then return to the position of relaxation, it is recommended to repeat this three to five times Twice daily.

Tips to keep your back healthy:

Here are a few recommended tips to keep your back healthy and strong:

  • Be sure to adjust the height of the seat and the distance between the seat and the steering wheel when driving, taking into account that the knees bend slightly, and the seat should be supportive to the back, and it should be noted that the use of the lower back brace to support the natural curve of the lower back and be careful to take frequent breaks if The person is driving for long periods of time.
  • You should change your sitting position or stand frequently at work while reducing the stress associated with the work.
  •  It is recommended to estimate the weight to be lifted before lifting and to assess the likelihood of being able to lift it, and when lifting things should be kept close to the body while avoiding the curvature of the back, so that the curvature through the legs and not the waist.
  • It is recommended to sit in a correct position when using a mobile phone, reading text messages and the like. The phone should be at the level of the chest or eyes when using it to reduce neck and back strain.
  • It is advisable to follow the proper instructions when doing housework. When cleaning, make sure that the posture is straight, keeping the elbows near the body and avoiding the curvature of the back. In general, if the work requires the person to bend, it should take a break frequently with care to change the position Constantly also.
  • It is recommended to exercise for at least thirty minutes three times a week, emphasizing the importance of performing different tasks almost every hour and moving different body muscles.

youtube video talking about strengthen the back muscles :

reference click here

Thursday 17 October 2019

belly exercise:exercises for the belly

October 17, 2019 0
belly exercise:exercises for the belly
belly exercise:exercises for the belly

belly exercise: exercises for the belly

belly exercise:

Many suffer from the problems of abdominal protrusion and fat accumulated around it, and this is due to several factors, the most important of which are weight gain, lack of movement in addition to the genetic factor, so we have to follow the methods of tummy tuck not only to maintain the fitness and fitness of our bodies; It indicates that the body does not take proper food, which is dangerous because it can lead to some diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, as well as health and psychological problems, and we can address this problem and prevent it by doing abdominal exercises to maintain the health and safety of our bodies, including the following:


This is a great exercise for the muscles of the abdomen and thighs:
  • Lie on the floor and raise the right leg, and move them circular movements, exactly like the movements followed while riding a bicycle. 
  • Repeat the same steps with the left leg, ten times.

Foot touch exercise:

  • Lie on the floor and raise the legs at right angles, which is ninety degrees. 
  • Touch the right leg ankle with your left hand and vice versa.
  •  Repeat the exercise twenty to thirty times, taking a break between them.

Leg lifting exercise:

  • Lie on the floor with your legs raised, so that the knee is tight at an upright angle. 
  • Repeat this step more than once to make the most of it.

Superman exercise:

  • Lie on the abdomen. 
  • Raise the right hand with the left leg, then reverse the hands and legs. 
  • With the need not to do the exercise quickly, and repeat 15 times, in each hand and take a break 20 seconds, and then repeat.

Planck exercise:

  • Lie on the abdomen. 
  • Lift the body with abdominal muscles and hands.
  •  Steady to the previous position for a minute. 
  • Take a 20-second break. Repeat the steps three times.

Exercise the ball:

  • Bring a large ball to complete the exercise.
  •  Pass the ball between the hands and the legs, through the ascent of the man and foot. 
  • Repeat the exercise twenty times, and take a break for ten seconds, and then complete the exercise.

Arm Crunch Exercise:

  • Lie flat on the ground.
  •  Stretch your hands back straight, too, for ten seconds.
  •  Take a break and lift your body upward, using your abdominal muscles.

These are the seven most important exercises to tighten the abdomen and get rid of fat and rumen, but do not forget that maintaining a proper diet, and drinking adequate amounts of fluids; For exercise.

youtube video about exercises for the belly:

reference click here

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Thigh muscles:Strengthen the thigh muscles

October 15, 2019 0
Thigh muscles:Strengthen the thigh muscles
Thigh muscles:Strengthen the thigh muscles

the thigh muscles: Strengthen the thigh muscles

Squat Exercise:

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the thigh helps to increase the strength of the leg muscles, so be careful not to marginalize these exercises to maintain the balance of the body and not fall, and squat exercise is one of the exercises known to build the muscles of the thigh, and this exercise can be done by following these steps:
  • Place the weight lifting weight on the shoulders behind the neck.
  •  Lower the torso for a few centimeters by bending the legs, and the legs should not be bent completely, so as not to put pressure on the knees. 
  • This exercise can be carried out without carrying weights by standing and leaning back on the wall, then gradually decreasing for a few centimeters by bending the legs and standing again.

Lateral push exercise:

This exercise can be done by following these steps:
  • Stand and carry a couple of dumbbells on the waist.
  •  Move forward at a 45-degree angle.
  •  Gradually lower the body until the front thigh is parallel to the ground. 
  • Return to starting position. 
  • Repeat the exercise ten to twenty times.
  •  Caution should be exercised while exercising or avoiding doing knee problems.

Leg compression exercise:

The thigh muscles can be strengthened by practicing leg compression by following these steps:
  • Sit on a leg compression device, and place the feet on the platform opposite to the face. 
  • Takedown the rails that carry the weights. 
  • Squeeze the weight platform until the legs are fully stretched, making sure not to close the knees, the leg should be formed with the trunk angle ninety degrees. 
  • Slowly lower the platform during inspiration until the upper leg and the lower leg form a 90-degree angle.
  •  Push the heel of the feet, and use the thigh muscles to return to the starting point with inspiratory. 
  • Repeat the exercise as required.

youtube video about Strengthen the Thigh muscles:

reference click here

Building Muscle:How To Build Muscle

October 15, 2019 0
Building Muscle:How To Build Muscle

Building Muscle:How To Build Muscle

Building Muscle: How To Build Muscle

Building Muscle:

Skeletal muscles consist of a group of myofibrils that resemble a string and a sarcomere to form muscle fibers. These muscles contract when they receive nerve signals from the motor neuron. It is worth mentioning that exercise contributes to building muscle. After completion of the exercise, the body compensates for damaged muscle cells or restored through cellular processes, where F muscles together to form new muscle protein filaments, or what is known as fibrous parentally, and then these muscle fibers circumvent some of them to form Zvair muscle protein, and increases its density and the number is then muscle formation.

How to Build Muscle:

Exercise for building muscle:

Resistance and strength exercise contribute to the secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland, stimulate testosterone secretion and improve muscle sensitivity to the hormone. It is also worth noting that adherence to these exercises for long periods of time, challenge and provide rest after exercise While aerobic exercise can also help build muscle, resistance exercises are best. The body needs several weeks or months of regular resistance exercises to change shape. The body and some examples of these exercises: free weight lifting exercises, exercises fixed weight weights, exercises using resistance bars, and weight exercises, such as pressure, squat. It is worth mentioning that resistance exercises have several benefits, as shown by the following points:

  • Bone health: Stress on the bones through resistance exercises helps increase their intensity and prevent osteoporosis
  • Weight control: It can also contribute to weight loss, and resistance exercises can help raise the rate of metabolic processes.
  • Improved quality of life: It may contribute to muscle building as a result of resistance exercises in maintaining the balance of the body. 
  • Managing chronic diseases: These exercises can reduce the symptoms of many chronic diseases such as obesity, back pain, heart disease, diabetes, as well as depression. 
  • Improving mental strength: Research suggests that resistance and aerobic exercise can help improve thinking and learning skills.


It is recommended to focus on healthy food and avoid certain foods to increase the benefit of exercise to build muscle. The following points illustrate aspects of the diet needed to build muscle:
  • Calorie side: Calorie consumption is increased by 15 percent.
  •  The allowable food side of the diet:
  1. Meat, poultry, and fish. 
  2. Dairy products, such as yogurt, cottage cheese, and low-fat milk. 
  3. Cereals; oats, rice, bread, and popcorn.
  4.  Fruits such as oranges, apples, bananas, grapes, and watermelons. 
  5. Starchy vegetables, such as potatoes and corn. 
  6. Vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, and mushrooms. 
  7. Seeds and nuts. Legumes. Oils; olive oil, avocado, and linseed.
  • What to avoid or limit in your diet: These include:
  1. Added sugar.
  2.  Fried food. 
  3. Alcohol.

Use supplements to build muscle:

          Ergogenic aids have recently been introduced. It is said to contribute to athletes' performance. It also reduces fatigue and improves the shape, but it can cause several health problems, including kidney failure and liver failure. It is worth mentioning that these supplements are characterized by high prices and are not affiliated with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), so there are no health conditions that limit their use or quantities of safe ones.

          It is worth mentioning that there are many claims that admit that taking protein supplements and amino acids contribute to muscle building and energy supply; For athletes, their needs range from 1 to 2.3 grams per kilogram of body weight. It depends on the intensity, duration, type of exercise, amount of carbohydrates in the diet, age, as well as sex. These protein needs can be covered by The right daily diet is sold, 90 grams of tuna contains 25.1 grams of protein, 105 grams of skinless grilled chicken contains 30.9 grams of protein, and there is no scientific evidence to prove that there is benefit from eating extra protein through supplements. In order to increase muscle mass or improve the efficiency of metabolic processes.

          It should be noted that excessive intake of protein and amino acid supplements leads to dehydration due to the increased need for water to release urea resulting from protein metabolism in urine, gout, calcium loss, kidney failure, liver failure, as well as side effects of the system. It is worth noting that creatine supplements are used by many athletes; however, its effect is short-term and can cause cancer due to its prolonged use. A regular diet and a balanced diet that contains adequate amounts of vitamin D, calcium, and protein are an effective way to build and maintain muscle damage.

Tips and guidelines for building muscle:

There are several tips that can help stimulate muscle growth:
  • Drink plenty of water: It is advisable to drink additional quantities of water before exercise, after exercise, and during exercise, so that drink a glass and a half to two cups before him, and drink a cup and a quarter of every quarter of an hour during intense exercise, because the water is necessary to build muscle, even if the exercise was not daily. 
  • Adequate sleep: Sleep hormones necessary to build muscle are less secreted due to lack of sleep, so sleep is recommended for 7 to 8 hours or more.
  •  Diversification in muscle exercise: To give muscle time for growth, rest, and restoration, it is worth mentioning that to avoid pain and heartburn, it is advisable to focus on the exercise of certain muscles for several continuous days, where this is by dividing the exercise days as follows:
  1. Day 1: Exercises for the chest muscles, triceps brachialis, and shoulders. 
  2. Day 2: exercises for the lower muscles. 
  3. Day 3: Exercises for the back muscles, biceps, and rectus abdominal muscles.

youtube video about building muscle:

reference click here